Sunday, February 1, 2009

Created Ringtones

Making these ringtones has really turned out to be more difficult than I expected. For starters, my original samples were quite cryptic, very few actually had solid tones to them, although their textures were interesting. As far as the process is concerned it went pretty well, lucky for me Logic is very similar to Garageband. My final product is much more airy than I wanted, but I suppose that comes with the territory of working in a music concrete style to some degree. The ringtones kind of remind me of Cage's "Landscapes" piece, although they are much less varied in their sampling origins. Should be interesting to see how people react when my phone rings...

Ringtone #1:

Ringtone #2:

1 comment:

  1. Liked the second one, especially, with the delays and filter. Could see it being a little denser in terms of samples.
